16 Samuel said:If the Lord has turned away from you and is now your enemy, don't ask me what to do.
17 I've already told you: The Lord has sworn to take the kingdom from you and give it to David. And that's just what he's doing!
18 When the Lord was angry with the Amalekites, he told you to destroy them, but you didn't do it. That's why the Lord is doing this to you.
19 Tomorrow the Lord will let the Philistines defeat Israel's army, then you and your sons will join me down here in the world of the dead.
20 At once, Saul collapsed and lay stretched out on the floor, terrified at what Samuel had said. He was weak because he had not eaten anything since the day before.
21 The woman came over to Saul, and when she saw that he was completely terrified, she said, “Your Majesty, I listened to you and risked my life to do what you asked.
22 Now please listen to me. Let me get you a little something to eat. It will give you strength for your walk back to camp.”