13 But while Abijah was talking, Jeroboam had sent some of his troops to attack Judah's army from behind, while the rest attacked from the front.
14 Judah's army realized they were trapped, and so they prayed to the Lord. The priests blew the signal on the trumpet,
15 and the troops let out a battle cry. Then with Abijah leading them into battle, God defeated Jeroboam and Israel's army.
16 The Israelites ran away, and God helped Judah's soldiers slaughter
17 500,000 enemy troops.
18 Judah's army won because they had trusted the Lord God of their ancestors.
19 Abijah kept up his attack on Jeroboam's army and captured the Israelite towns of Bethel, Jeshanah, and Ephron, as well as the villages around them.