27 “Bring home our scattered people and free those Jews who are slaves in foreign nations. We are hated and mistreated. So have pity on us and show Gentiles that you are the God of Israel.
28 “Take revenge against our arrogant enemies, who attack and insult us.
29 Then give your nation a lasting home in your holy land, just as Moses said you would.”
30 When everyone had finished praying, the priests started singing hymns.
31 Soon the fire burned up the offerings. Then Nehemiah ordered the rest of the liquid to be poured over some large rocks.
32 As soon as this was done, the rocks started burning, but flames from the altar put out the fire.
33 People everywhere heard what had happened. Even the Persian king learned that an oily liquid had been discovered in the place where the priests had hidden the altar fire just before they were dragged away to Persia. The king was also told that Nehemiah and his followers had offered a sacrifice, using the liquid to start their fire.