27 After Judas and his troops had finished praying, they picked up their weapons and set out from Jerusalem on a long march. They camped not far from the enemy army,
28 and at dawn the next day the battle began. Our troops were brave and they trusted the Lord, which was a sure path to victory. But Timothy's soldiers fought only because they were angry.
29 In the heat of battle, the enemy saw five handsome riders on horses with gold bridles suddenly appear from heaven and take command of our troops.
30 They formed a circle around Judas and protected him with their shields and weapons, while sending a flood of arrows and lightning bolts at Timothy's army.Blinded and confused, the enemy troops scattered in every direction and were cut down.
31 Twenty thousand five hundred of their soldiers and 600 of their cavalry died that day.
32 Timothy himself escaped to the fortress at Gazara, where his brother Chaereas commanded a large force.
33 Judas and his troops eagerly attacked Gazara for four days.