14 So Judas left everything in the hands of God, the Creator of the world, and urged his soldiers to be willing to die for the Law, the temple, Jerusalem, the country, and our Jewish way of life.Judas camped with his army near the town of Modein,
15 and he told them, “When you go into battle, shout, ‘God gives victory!’ ” Then later that night, he and a chosen group of brave young troops attacked the enemy camp near the king's tent. They killed almost 2,000 foreigners, as well as the soldier who was leading the elephants.
16 Our troops terrified and confused the enemy soldiers, then left victoriously
17 at dawn, because the Lord had been helping Judas.
18 King Antiochus had seen how bravely our Jewish soldiers fought. So he decided on a plan to destroy the places where they had stationed their troops.
19 His troops surrounded and attacked their strong fortress at Beth-Zur, but they were turned back and defeated.
20 Meanwhile, Judas had been sending supplies to the soldiers in Beth-Zur.