14 Many foreigners in Judea had been attacked by Judas at one time or another, and so they rushed to join Nicanor's army, hoping to profit from any trouble they could cause our people.
15 When our people found out that Nicanor was coming to attack with all of these Gentiles, they smeared dirt on their heads to show their sorrow. Then they prayed to God, who had chosen them to be his people forever and had always used his power to rescue them.
16 Judas ordered his troops to march at once to the village of Dessau, where they attacked Nicanor.
17 Judas' brother Simon also ordered his troops into the battle, but for the moment they were retreating because of a surprise move on the part of Nicanor's army.
18 Meanwhile, someone told Nicanor just how fearless Judas and his soldiers were, and how fiercely they defended their nation. So Nicanor changed his mind about trying to defeat them in battle,
19 and instead he sent Posidonius, Theodotus, and Mattathias to make peace with them.
20 After the details of a peace treaty had been decided, Nicanor informed his troops, and they made an agreement.