26 When Alcimus the high priest discovered that Nicanor and Judas were friends, he took a copy of their agreement to King Demetrius and said, “Nicanor has betrayed your government. He's going to let that rebel Judas take his place as governor.”
27 Demetrius became so irritated and angry as he listened to that worthless Alcimus make these charges that he wrote and told Nicanor, “I do not like the agreement that you made with Judas, and I order you to arrest him and send him to Antioch at once!”
28 Nicanor was upset and saddened by the orders to cancel an agreement with this innocent man.
29 Still, he could not disobey the king, so he started looking for an opportunity to take Judas by surprise.
30 Judas noticed that Nicanor was no longer treating him like a friend, and he guessed that trouble was on the way. So he and a number of his followers went into hiding.
31 When Nicanor found out that he had been outsmarted, he went to the famous and holy Jerusalem temple at the time of sacrifice and demanded that the priests hand Judas over to him.
32 But the priests swore that they did not know where to find Judas.