32 But the priests swore that they did not know where to find Judas.
33 Nicanor shook his right fist at the temple and said, “Find Judas, or else I swear that I'll destroy this temple and the altar of your God! Then I'll build a glorious temple for the god Dionysus on this very spot.”
34 After this, he left.The priests immediately stretched their arms toward heaven and prayed to God, the Defender of our nation. They said,
35 “Our holy Lord God, you have everything, and yet you were pleased to let us build a temple, so that you could live here with us.
36 We have only recently dedicated this temple again. Please keep it holy forever and ever.”
37-38 Razis was one of the most highly respected leaders in Jerusalem, and during the war for freedom, he had risked his life for his faith. In fact, he was so generous that he was known as the father of our country.Someone brought charges against him to Nicanor,
39-40 who took this as an opportunity to show his hatred for our people by doing us some real harm. So he sent more than 500 troops to arrest Razis,