37-38 Razis was one of the most highly respected leaders in Jerusalem, and during the war for freedom, he had risked his life for his faith. In fact, he was so generous that he was known as the father of our country.Someone brought charges against him to Nicanor,
39-40 who took this as an opportunity to show his hatred for our people by doing us some real harm. So he sent more than 500 troops to arrest Razis,
41 who was in a tower surrounded by a walled-in courtyard. But the soldiers started beating down the gate to the courtyard, while shouting orders to set the doors of the tower on fire. Razis knew he was trapped, and he threw himself on his sword,
42 because he was from an important family and wanted to die with honor, rather than at the hands of godless men.
43 In all the confusion, Razis only wounded himself with the sword. Meanwhile, crowds of people were forcing their way into the tower. And so, with great courage, Razis climbed to the top of the tower and jumped.
44 Everyone on the ground quickly moved back, making room for him to land on the ground.
45 Alive but angry, Razis stood up and ran through the crowd to the top of a steep rock, with blood gushing from his terrible wounds.