27 with swords in their hands and prayers in their hearts. They killed at least 35,000 enemy troops that day, and they celebrated because God had shown them his power.
28 After the battle, Judas and his soldiers were happily on their way home when they found Nicanor lying dead on the ground, but still wearing his armor.
29 So they all shouted and jumped about, praising the Lord All-Powerful in their native language.
30 Judas had always been a faithful defender of his country, and he was just as patriotic now as he was when he was young. So he ordered his troops to chop off Nicanor's head and right arm and take them to Jerusalem.
31 When they reached the city, Judas called everyone together. He told the priests to stand in front of the altar, and he sent for the enemy soldiers in the fortress.
32 Judas showed them the head of that godless Nicanor. Then he let them see the arm of this arrogant and disgusting man, who had shaken his fist at the holy temple of God All-Powerful.
33 Finally, he cut out the tongue of this worthless man and said, “I am going to feed it piece by piece to the birds. Then I am going to nail his head and arm on the wall of the fortress opposite the temple, as proof of his foolishness.”