2 Maccabees 4:34-40 CEVDCUS06

34 Shortly after this, Menelaus met privately with Andronicus and persuaded him to kill Onias. So Andronicus went to the temple and warmly greeted Onias. Then he lied to Onias by shaking his right hand and promising to treat him with kindness. Onias didn't really trust Andronicus, but Andronicus talked him into leaving his place of safety in the temple. Then without any regard for the Law, Andronicus murdered him on the spot.

35 Our people were shocked and outraged by this violent murder, and so were many from other nations.

36 When King Antiochus returned from Cilicia, the Jews in Antioch asked him to do something about this senseless crime. Many Greeks also told the king how much they despised this brutal murder.

37 The king cried and grieved terribly as he thought about Onias, a man of common sense and self-control.

38 Then he became furious and tore off Andronicus' clothes, including his royal robe. He made Andronicus walk naked through the whole city until they reached the place where Andronicus had murdered Onias. Right then and there, the king had this butcher put to death.This was how the Lord gave Andronicus the punishment he deserved.

39 In the meantime, Menelaus had been helping his brother Lysimachus rob the Jerusalem temple of its gold dishes and other sacred objects. News of these crimes spread, and a crowd got together to complain about Lysimachus.

40 But since this crowd was turning into an angry mob, Lysimachus handed out swords to about three thousand followers. He put a foolish old man named Auranus in command of this force, then ordered a brutal attack.