13 In fact, God shows his kindness by punishing sinners as soon as they disobey him, rather than waiting until later.
14 When God deals with other nations, he waits patiently for them to sin terribly before he punishes them. But God treats us differently.
15 He punishes us right away—before our sins are too great.
16 Our God never stops being kind to us, his chosen people. He lets our sufferings teach us to do right, but he never deserts us.
17 I have said these things to remind you of God's way of dealing with us. Now back to my story.
18 Eleazar was an elderly gentleman and a highly respected teacher of the Law. One day some men forced his mouth open and tried to make him eat the meat of a pig.
19 Eleazar chose to die with honor rather than to live with shame. So he willingly walked to the place of torture, spitting out the meat as he went.