11 He had a lot of courage and said, “God in heaven gave these to me. But I will give them up to obey his laws, because I know God will give them back.”
12 The king and his troops were amazed at the young man's courage. Here was someone willing to suffer.
13 After he was dead, the king's troops beat and tortured the fourth brother in the same way.
14 But just before he died, he told them, “God has promised to raise us to life! And so we are willing to die, but you have no hope for life after death.”
15 As the fifth brother was being tortured,
16 he looked straight at the king and said, “You order people around and make them obey you. But someday you will die. Don't think God has turned his back on our nation.
17 Just wait! God will use his mighty power to make you and your family suffer.”