3 Can two people walk togetherwithout agreeing to meet?
4 Does a lion roar in the forestunless it has caughta victim?Does it growl in its denunless it is eating?
5 How can anyone catch a birdwithout using a net?Does a trap spring shutunless something is caught?
6 Isn't the whole city frightenedwhen the trumpetsignals an attack?Isn't the Lord the one who bringsdisaster on a city?
7 Whatever the Lord Godplans to do,he tells his servants,the prophets.
8 Everyone is terrifiedwhen a lion roars—and ordinary peoplebecome prophetswhen the Lord God speaks.
9 Here is a messagefor the leadersof Philistia and Egypt—tell everyone to come togetheron the hills of Samaria.Let them see the injusticeand the lawlessnessin that city.