2 I, the Lord God, have swornby my own namethat your time is coming.Not one of you will be left—you will be taken awayby sharp hooks.
3 You will be dragged through holesin your city walls,and you will be throwntoward Harmon.I, the Lord, have spoken!
4 Come to Bethel and Gilgal.Sin all you want!Offer sacrifices the next morningand bring a tenth of your cropson the third day.
5 Bring offerings to show mehow thankful you are.Gladly bring more offeringsthan I have demanded.You really love to do this.I, the Lord God, have spoken!
6 I, the Lord, took away the foodfrom every town and village,but still you rejected me.
7 Three months before harvest,I kept back the rain.Sometimes I would let it fallon one town or fieldbut not on another,and pastures dried up.
8 People from two or three townswould go to a townthat still had water,but it wasn't enough.Even then you rejected me.I, the Lord, have spoken!