11 you abuse the poor and demandheavy taxes from them.You have built expensive homes,but you won't enjoy them;you have planted vineyards,but you will get no wine.
12 I am the Lord, and I knowyour terrible sins.You cheat honest peopleand take bribes;you rob the poor of justice.
13 Times are so evilthat anyone with good sensewill keep quiet.
14 If you really want to live,you must stop doing wrongand start doing right.I, the Lord God All-Powerful,will then be on your side,just as you claim I am.
15 Choose good instead of evil!See that justice is done.Maybe I, the Lord All-Powerful,will be kind to what's leftof your people.
16 This is what the Lord has sworn:Noisy crying will be heardin every town and street.Even farmers will be toldto mourn for the dead,together with thosewho are paid to mourn.
17 Your vineyards will be filledwith crying and weeping,because I will punish you.I, the Lord, have spoken!