1 I saw a vision of the Lordstanding by the temple altar,and he said,“Shake the columnsuntil the tops fall loose,and the doorposts crumble.Then make the pieces fallon the people below.I will take a sword and killanyone who escapes.
2 “If they dig deep into the earthor climb to the sky,I'll reach out and get them.
3 If they escape to the peaksof Mount Carmel,I'll search and find them.And if they hide from meat the bottom of the ocean,I'll command a sea monsterto bite them.
4 I'll send a sword to kill them,wherever their enemiesdrag them off as captives.I'm determined to hurt them,not to help them.”
5 When the Lord God All-Powerfultouches the earth, it melts,and its people mourn.God makes the earth riseand then fall,just like the Nile River.