11 until late afternoon. Then he must take a bath, and at sunset he can go back into camp.
12 Set up a place outside the camp to be used as a toilet area.
13 And make sure that you have a small shovel in your equipment. When you go out to the toilet area, use the shovel to dig a hole. Then, after you relieve yourself, bury the waste in the hole.
14 You must keep your camp clean of filthy and disgusting things. The Lord is always present in your camp, ready to rescue you and give you victory over your enemies. But if he sees something disgusting in your camp, he may turn around and leave.
15 When runaway slaves from other countries come to Israel and ask for protection, you must not hand them back to their owners.
16 Instead, you must let them choose which one of your towns they want to live in. Don't be cruel to runaway slaves.
17 People of Israel, don't any of you ever be temple prostitutes.