17 People of Israel, don't any of you ever be temple prostitutes.
18 The Lord your God is disgusted with men and women who are prostitutes of any kind, and he will not accept a gift from them, even if it had been promised to him.
19 When you lend money, food, or anything else to another Israelite, you are not allowed to charge interest.
20 You can charge a foreigner interest. But if you charge other Israelites interest, the Lord your God will not let you be successful in the land you are about to take.
21 People of Israel, if you make a sacred promise to give a gift to the Lord, then do it as soon as you can. If the Lord has to come looking for the gift you promised, you will be guilty of breaking that promise.
22 On the other hand, if you never make a sacred promise, you can't be guilty of breaking it.
23 You must keep whatever promises you make to the Lord. After all, you are the one who chose to make the promises.