13 Descendants of Joseph,the Lord will bless youwith precious waterfrom deep wellsand with dew from the sky.
14 Month by month, your fruitwill ripen in the sunshine.
15 You will have a rich harvestfrom the slopesof the ancient hills.
16 The Lord who appearedin the burning bushwants to give you the bestthe land can produce,and it will be a princely crownon Joseph's head.
17 The armies of Ephraimand Manassehare majestic and fiercelike a bull or a wild ox.They will run their spearsthrough faraway nations.
18 Be happy, Zebulun,as your boats set sail;be happy, Issachar,in your tents.
19 The sea will make you wealthy,and from the sandy beachyou will get treasure.So invite the other tribesto celebrate with youand offer sacrifices to God.