21 Your leaders met togetherand chose the best landfor your tribe,but you obeyed the Lordand helped the other tribes.
22 Tribe of Dan,you are like a lion cub,startled by a snake.
23 The Lord is pleased with you,people of Naphtali.He will bless youand give you the landto the west and the south.
24 The Lord's greatest blessingis for you, tribe of Asher.You will be the favoriteof all the other tribes.You will be rich with olive oil
25 and have strong town gateswith bronze and iron bolts.Your people will be powerfulfor as long as they live.
26 Israel, no other godis like ours—the clouds are his chariotas he rides across the skiesto come and help us.
27 The eternal Godis our hiding place;he carries us in his arms.When God tells youto destroy your enemies,he will make them run.