6 Tribe of Reuben, you will live,even though your tribewill always be small.
7 The Lord will listen to you,tribe of Judah, as you begto come safely home.You fought your enemies alone;now the Lord will help you.
8 At Massah and Meribah Spring,the Lord tested you,tribe of Levi.You were faithful,and so the priesthood belongsto the Levi tribe.
9 Protecting Israel's agreementwith the Lordwas more important to youthan the life of your fatheror mother,or brothers or sisters,or your own children.
10 You teach God's laws to Israel,and at the place of worshipyou offer sacrificesand burn incense.
11 I pray that the Lord will blesseverything you do,and make you strong enoughto crush your enemies.
12 The Lord Most High loves you,tribe of Benjamin.He will live among your hillsand protect you.