34 and my power, when I gather you from the places where you are scattered
35 and lead you into a desert surrounded by nations. I will meet you there face to face. Then I will pass judgment on you
36 and punish you, just as I punished your ancestors in the desert near Egypt.
37 I will force each of you to obey the regulations of our solemn agreement.
38 I will separate the sinful rebels from the rest of you, and even though I will bring them from the nations where they live in exile, they won't be allowed to return to Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
39 Go ahead and worship your idols for now, you Israelites, because soon I will no longer let you dishonor me by offering gifts to them. You will have no choice but to obey me!
40 When that day comes, everyone in Israel will worship me on Mount Zion, my holy mountain in Jerusalem. I will once again call you my own, and I will accept your sacred offerings and sacrifices.