12 The Spirit lifted me up, and as the glory of the Lord started to leave, I heard a loud, thundering noise behind me.
13 It was the sound made by the creatures' wings as they brushed against each other, and by the rumble of the wheels beside them.
14 Then the Spirit carried me away.The Lord's power had taken complete control of me, and I was both annoyed and angry.
15 When I was back with the others living at Abib Hill near the Chebar River, I sat among them for seven days, shocked at what had happened to me.
16 Seven days after I had seen the brightness of the Lord's glory, the Lord said:
17 Ezekiel, son of man, I have appointed you to stand watch for the people of Israel. So listen to what I say, then warn them for me.
18 When I tell wicked people they will die because of their sins, you must warn them to turn from their sinful ways so they won't be punished. If you refuse, you are responsible for their death.