1 Twelve years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the Lord spoke to me on the first day of the twelfth month. He said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the king of Egypt and tell him I am saying:You act like a lionroaming the earth;but you are nothing more thana crocodile in a river,churning up muddy waterwith your feet.
3 King of Egypt, listen to me. I, the Lord God, will catch you in my net and let a crowd of foreigners drag you to shore.
4 I will throw you into an open field, where birds and animals will come to feed on your flesh.
5 I will spread your rotting flesh over the mountains and in the valleys,
6 and your blood will flow throughout the land and fill up the streams.