8 Now all those nations will watch as I turn against you and punish you
9 for your sins. Your punishment will be more horrible than anything I've ever done or will ever do again.
10 Parents will be so desperate for food that they will eat their own children, and children will eat their parents. Those who survive this horror will be scattered in every direction.
11 Your sins have disgusted me and made my temple unfit as a place to worship me. So I swear by my own life that I will cut you down and show you no pity.
12 A third of you will die here in Jerusalem from disease or starvation. Another third will be killed in war. And I will scatter the last third of you in every direction, then track you down and kill you.
13 You will feel my fierce anger until I have finished taking revenge. Then you will know that I, the Lord, was furious because of your disobedience.
14 Every passerby will laugh at your destruction. Foreign nations