2 Go at once to your mother's father Bethuel in northern Syria and choose a wife from one of the daughters of Laban, your mother's brother.
3 I pray that God All-Powerful will bless you with many descendants and let you become a great nation.
4 May he bless you with the land he promised Abraham, so that you will take over this land where we now live as foreigners.
5 Isaac then sent Jacob to stay with Rebekah's brother Laban, the son of Bethuel the Aramean.
6 Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and had warned him not to marry any of the Canaanite women. He also learned that Jacob had been sent to find a wife in northern Syria
7 and that he had obeyed his father and mother.
8 Esau already had several wives, but he now realized how much his father hated the Canaanite women.