50 Then Laban said:If you mistreat my daughters or marry other women, I may not know about it, but remember, God is watching us!
51-52 Both this pile of rocks and this large rock have been set up between us as a reminder. I must never go past them to attack you, and you must never come past them to attack me.
53 My father Nahor, your grandfather Abraham, and their ancestors all worshiped the same God, and he will make sure that we each keep the agreement.Then Jacob made a promise in the name of the fearsome God his father Isaac had worshiped.
54 Jacob killed an animal and offered it as a sacrifice there on the mountain, and he invited his men to eat with him. After the meal they spent the night on the mountain.
55 Early the next morning, Laban kissed his daughters and his grandchildren goodbye, then he left to go back home.