20 And Jacob told them to be sure to say that he was right behind them. Jacob hoped the gifts would make Esau friendly, so Esau would be glad to see him when they met.
21 Jacob's men took the gifts on ahead of him, but he spent the night in camp.
22-23 Jacob got up in the middle of the night and took his wives, his eleven children, and everything he owned across to the other side of the Jabbok River for safety.
24 Afterwards, Jacob went back and spent the rest of the night alone.A man came and fought with Jacob until just before daybreak.
25 When the man saw that he could not win, he struck Jacob on the hip and threw it out of joint.
26 They kept on wrestling until the man said, “Let go of me! It's almost daylight.”“You can't go until you bless me,” Jacob replied.
27 Then the man asked, “What is your name?”“Jacob,” he answered.