20 Asher, you will eat foodfancy enough for a king.
21 Naphtali, you are a wild deerwith lovely fawns.
22 Joseph, you are a fruitful vinegrowing near a streamand climbing a wall.
23 Enemies attacked with arrows,refusing to show mercy.
24 But you stood your ground,swiftly shooting backwith the help of Jacob's God,the All-Powerful One—his name is the Shepherd,Israel's mighty rock.
25 Your help came from the Godyour father worshiped,from God All-Powerful.God will bless you with rainand streams from the earth;he will bless youwith many descendants.
26 My son, the blessings I giveare better than the promiseof ancient mountainsor eternal hills.Joseph, I pray these blessingswill come to you,because you are the leaderof your brothers.