13 You offer sacrificeson mountaintops and hills,under oak trees, and wherevergood shade is found.Your own daughtersand daughters-in-lawsell themselves for sex.
14 But I won't punish them.You men are to blame,because you go to prostitutesand offer sacrifices with themat pagan shrines.Your own foolishnesswill lead to your ruin.
15 Israel, you are unfaithful,but don't lead Judah to sin.Stop worshiping at Gilgalor at sinful Bethel.And quit making promisesin my name—the nameof the living Lord.
16 You are nothing morethan a stubborn cow—so stubborn that I, the Lord,cannot feed you like lambsin an open pasture.
17 You people of Israelare charmed by idols.Leave those people alone!
18 You get drunk, then sleepwith prostitutes;you would rather be vulgarthan lead a decent life.
19 And so you will be swept awayin a whirlwindfor sacrificing to idols.