12 “That's right,” the Lord replied, “and I always rise early to keep a promise.”
13 Then the Lord showed me something else and asked, “What do you see now?”I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water in the north, and it's about to spill out toward us.”
14 The Lord said:I will pour out destructionall over the land.
15 Just watch while I sendfor the kings of the north.They will attack and captureJerusalem and other towns,then set up their thronesat the gates of Jerusalem.
16 I will punish my people,because they are guiltyof turning from meto worship idols.
17 Jeremiah, get ready!Go and tell the peoplewhat I command you to say.Don't be frightened by them,or I will make you terrifiedwhile they watch.
18 My power will make you stronglike a fortressor a column of ironor a wall of bronze.You will oppose all of Judah,including its kings and leaders,its priests and people.