13 Then the Lord showed me something else and asked, “What do you see now?”I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water in the north, and it's about to spill out toward us.”
14 The Lord said:I will pour out destructionall over the land.
15 Just watch while I sendfor the kings of the north.They will attack and captureJerusalem and other towns,then set up their thronesat the gates of Jerusalem.
16 I will punish my people,because they are guiltyof turning from meto worship idols.
17 Jeremiah, get ready!Go and tell the peoplewhat I command you to say.Don't be frightened by them,or I will make you terrifiedwhile they watch.
18 My power will make you stronglike a fortressor a column of ironor a wall of bronze.You will oppose all of Judah,including its kings and leaders,its priests and people.
19 They will fight back,but they won't win.I, the Lord, give my word—I won't let them harm you.