15 You can see how I sufferinsult after insult,all because of you, Lord.Don't be so patientwith my enemies;take revenge on thembefore they kill me.
16 When you spoke to me,I was glad to obey,because I belong to you,the Lord All-Powerful.
17 I don't go to partiesand have a good time.Instead, I keep to myself,because you have filled mewith your anger.
18 I am badly injuredand in constant pain.Are you going to disappoint me,like a stream that goes dryin the heat of summer?
19 Then the Lord told me:Stop talking like a fool!If you turn back to meand speak my message,I will let you be my prophetonce again.I hope the people of Judahwill accept what you say.But you can ignore their threats,*
20 because I am making you strong,like a bronze wall.They are evil and violent,but when they attack,
21 I will be there to rescue you.I, the Lord, have spoken.