12 And you have done even worse! You are stubborn, and instead of obeying me, you do whatever evil comes to your mind.
13 So I will throw you into a land that you and your ancestors know nothing about, a place where you will have to worship other gods both day and night. And I won't feel the least bit sorry for you.
14 A time will come when you will again worship me. But you will no longer call me the Living Lord who rescued Israel from Egypt.
15 Instead, you will call me the Living Lord who rescued you from that country in the north and from the other countries where I had forced you to go.Someday I will bring you back to this land that I gave your ancestors.
16 But for now, I am sending enemies who will catch you like fish and hunt you down like wild animals in the hills and the caves.
17 I can see everything you are doing, even if you try to hide your sins from me.
18 I will punish you double for your sins, because you have polluted my own land. You have filled it with lifeless idols that remind me of dead bodies.