5 I, the Lord, have put a curseon those who turn from meand trust in human strength.
6 They will dry up like a bushin salty desert soil,where nothing can grow.
7 But I will bless thosewho trust me, the Lord.
8 They will be like treesgrowing beside a stream—trees with roots that reachdown to the water,and with leavesthat are always green.They bear fruit every yearand are never worriedby a lack of rain.
9 You people of Judahare so deceitfulthat you even fool yourselves,and you can't change.
10 But I know your deedsand your thoughts,and I will make sureyou get what you deserve.
11 You cheated others,but everything you gainedwill fly away, like birdshatched from stolen eggs.Then you will discoverwhat fools you are.