6 They will dry up like a bushin salty desert soil,where nothing can grow.
7 But I will bless thosewho trust me, the Lord.
8 They will be like treesgrowing beside a stream—trees with roots that reachdown to the water,and with leavesthat are always green.They bear fruit every yearand are never worriedby a lack of rain.
9 You people of Judahare so deceitfulthat you even fool yourselves,and you can't change.
10 But I know your deedsand your thoughts,and I will make sureyou get what you deserve.
11 You cheated others,but everything you gainedwill fly away, like birdshatched from stolen eggs.Then you will discoverwhat fools you are.
12 Our Lord, your templeis a glorious thronethat has stood on a mountainfrom the beginning.