2 he told me that the Lord had said:I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, and I will smash the yoke that Nebuchadnezzar put on the necks of the nations to make them his slaves.
3 And within two years, I will bring back to Jerusalem everything that he took from my temple and carried off to Babylonia.
4 King Jehoiachin and the other people who were taken from Judah to Babylonia will be allowed to come back here as well. All this will happen because I will smash the power of the king of Babylonia!
5 The priests and the others were still standing there, so I said:
6 Hananiah, I hope the Lord will do exactly what you said. I hope he does bring back everything the Babylonians took from the temple, and that our people who were taken to Babylonia will be allowed to return home.
7 But let me remind you and everyone else
8 that long before we were born, prophets were saying powerful kingdoms would be struck by war, disaster, and disease.