7 My people, soon you will sufferworse than ever before,but I will save you.
8 Now you are slavesof other nations,but I will break the chainsand smash the yokesthat keep you in slavery.
9 Then you will be my servants,and I will choose a king for youfrom the family of David.*
10 Israel, you belong to me,so don't be afraid.You deserved to be punished;that's why I scattered youin distant nations.But I am with you,and someday I will destroythose nations.
11 Then I will bring youand your descendantsback to your land,where I will protect youand give you peace.Then your fears will be gone.I, the Lord, have spoken.
12 The Lord said:My people, you are woundedand near death.
13 You are accused of a crimewith no one to defend you,and you are covered with soresthat no medicine can cure.*