6 You are strong and run fast,but you can't escape.You fall in battlenear the Euphrates River.
7 What nation is this,that rises like the Nile Riveroverflowing its banks?
8 It is Egypt, rising with a roarlike a raging riverand saying,“I'll flood the earth,destroying cities, and killingeveryone in them.”
9 Go ahead, Egypt.Tell your chariots and cavalryto attack and fight hard.Order your troops to march out,with Ethiopians and Libyanscarrying shields,and the Lydians armed with bowsand arrows.
10 But the Lord All-Powerfulwill win this battleand take revengeon his enemies.His sword will eat themand drink their blooduntil it is full.They will be killed in the northnear the Euphrates River,as a sacrifice to the Lord.
11 Egypt, no medicine can heal you,not even the soothing lotionfrom Gilead.
12 All nations have heard you weep;you are disgraced,and they know it.Your troops fall to the ground,stumbling over each other.