1 Before the king of Egypt attacked the town of Gaza, the Lord told me to say to the Philistines:
2 I, the Lord, tell youthat your land will be floodedwith an army from the north.It will destroy your townsand sweep you away,moaning and screaming.
3 When you hear the thunderof horses and chariots,your courage will vanish,and parents will even abandontheir own children.
4 You refugees from Crete,your time has now come,and I will destroy you.None of you will be leftto help the citiesof Tyre and Sidon.
5 The Anakim who survivein Gaza and Ashkelonwill mourn for youby shaving their headsand sitting in silence.
6 You ask how long will I continueto attack you with my sword,then you tell me to put it awayand leave you alone.