24 You people of Damascushave lost your courage,and in panic you turn to run,gripped by fear and pain.
25 Once I was pleasedwith your famous city.But now I warn you, “Escapewhile you still can!”
26 Soon, even your best soldierswill lie dead in your streets.I, the Lord All-Powerful,have spoken.
27 I will set fire to your city wallsand burn down the fortressesKing Benhadad built.
28 Here is what the Lord says about the Kedar tribe and the desert villages that were conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia:Listen, you people of Kedarand the other tribesof the eastern desert.I have told Nebuchadnezzarto attack and destroy you.
29 His fearsome armywill surround you,taking your tents and possessions,your sheep and camels.
30 Run and hide,you people of the desertwho live in villages!Nebuchadnezzar has big plansfor you.