31 You have no city wallsand no neighbors to help,yet you think you're safe—so I told him to attack.
32 Then your camelsand large herdswill be yours no longer.People of the Arabian Desert,disaster will strike youfrom every side,and you will be scatteredeverywhere on earth.
33 Only jackals will livewhere your villages once stood.I, the Lord, have spoken.
34-35 Not long after Zedekiah became king of Judah, the Lord told me to say:People of Elam,I, the Lord All-Powerful,will kill the archerswho make your army strong.
36 Enemies will attackfrom all directions,and you will be led captiveto every nation on earth.
37 Their armies will crushand kill you,and you will face the disasterthat my anger brings.
38 Your king and his officialswill die, and I will rulein their place.I, the Lord, have spoken.