30 The Babylonian soldiershave lost their strengthand courage.They stay in their fortresses,unable to fight,while the enemy breaks throughthe city gates,then sets their homes on fire.
31 One messenger after anotherannounces to the king,“Babylon has been captured!
32 The enemy now controlsthe river crossings!The marshes are on fire!Your army has panicked!”
33 I am the Lord All-Powerful,the God of Israel,and I make this promise—“Soon Babylon will be leveledand packed downlike a threshing placeat harvest time.”
34 The people of Jerusalem say,“King Nebuchadnezzarmade us panic.That monster stuffed himselfwith us and our treasures,leaving us empty—he gobbled upwhat he wantedand spit out the rest.
35 The people of Babyloniaharmed some of usand killed others.Now, Lord, make them pay!”
36 My people, I am on your side,and I will take revengeon Babylon.I will cut off its water supply,and its stream will dry up.