7 Evil pours from your citylike water from a spring.Sounds of injustice and violenceecho within your walls;victims are everywhere,wounded and dying.
8 Listen to me,you people of Jerusalemand Judah.I will abandon you,and your land will becomean empty desert.
9 I will tell your enemiesto leave your nation barelike a vine stripped of grapes.I, the Lord All-Powerful,have spoken.
10 I have told the peoplethat you, Lord,will punish them,but they just laughand refuse to listen.
11 Your anger against Judahflames up inside me,and I can't hold it inmuch longer.Don't hold back my anger!Let it sweep away everyone—the children at playand all adults,young and old alike.
12 I'll punish the people of Judahand give to otherstheir houses and fields,as well as their wives.I, the Lord, have spoken.
13 Everyone is greedy and dishonest,whether poor or rich.Even the prophets and priestscannot be trusted.