3 Some of you people of Judah will be left alive, but I will force you to go to foreign countries, and you will wish you were dead. I, the Lord God All-Powerful, have spoken.
4 The Lord said:People of Jerusalem,when you stumble and fall,you get back up,and if you take a wrong road,you turn around and go back.
5 So why do you refuseto come back to me?Why do you hold so tightlyto your false gods?
6 I listen carefully,but none of you admitthat you've done wrong.Without a second thought,you run down the wrong roadlike horses running blindlyinto battle.
7 Storks, doves, swallows,and thrushesall know when it's timeto fly away for the winterand when to come back.But you, my people,don't know what I demand.
8 You say, “We are wisebecause we have the teachingsand laws of the Lord.”But I say that your teachershave turned my wordsinto lies!
9 Your wise menhave rejected what I say,and so they have no wisdom.Now they will be trappedand put to shame;they won't know what to do.