8 You say, “We are wisebecause we have the teachingsand laws of the Lord.”But I say that your teachershave turned my wordsinto lies!
9 Your wise menhave rejected what I say,and so they have no wisdom.Now they will be trappedand put to shame;they won't know what to do.
10 I'll give their wives and fieldsto strangers.Everyone is greedy and dishonest,whether poor or rich.Even the prophets and priestscannot be trusted.
11 All they ever offerto my deeply wounded peopleare empty hopes for peace.
12 They should be ashamedof the way they live,but they don't even blush.And so, when I punish Judah,they will end up on the ground,dead like everyone else.
13 I will wipe them out.They are vines without grapes;fig trees without figs or leaves.They have not done a thingthat I told them!I, the Lord, have spoken.
14 The people of Judahsay to each other,“What are we waiting for?Let's run to a town with wallsand die there.We rebelled against the Lord,and we were sentenced to dieby drinking poison.