17 The Lord All-Powerful said,“Make arrangements nowfor the women who are paidto weep at funerals,especially the womenwho can cry the loudest.”
18 The people answered,“Let them come quicklyand cry for us,until our own eyesare flooded with tears.
19 Now those of us on Zion cry,‘We are ruined!We can't stand the shame.Our homes have been destroyed,and we must leave our land.’
20 “We ask you womento pay attentionto what the Lord says.We will teach you a funeral songthat you can teachyour daughters and friends:
21 ‘We were in our fortress,but death sneaked inthrough our windows.It even struck downchildren at playand our strongest young men.’
22 “The Lord has told usthe ground will be coveredwith dead bodies,like ungathered stalks of grainor manure in a field.”
23 The Lord says:Don't brag about your wisdomor strength or wealth.