8 Grieve like a young womanmourning for the manshe was to marry.
9 Offerings of grain and wineare no longer broughtto the Lord's temple.His servants, the priests,are deep in sorrow.
10 Barren fields mourn;grain, grapes, and olivesare scorched and shriveled.
11 Mourn for our farmsand our vineyards!There's no wheat or barleygrowing in our fields.
12 Grapevines have dried upand so has every tree—figs and pomegranates,date palms and apples.All happiness has faded away.
13 Mourn, you priests who serveat the altar of my God.Spend your days and nightswearing sackcloth.Offerings of grain and wineare no longer broughtto the Lord's temple.
14 Tell the leaders and peopleto come togetherat the temple.Order them to go without eatingand to pray sincerely.