23 People of Zion,celebrate in honorof the Lord your God!He is generous and has sentthe autumn and spring rainsin the proper seasons.
24 Grain will coveryour threshing places;jars will overflowwith wine and olive oil.
25 I, the Lord your God,will make up for the lossescaused by those swarmsand swarms of locustsI sent to attack you.
26 My people, you will eatuntil you are satisfied.Then you will praise mefor the wonderful thingsI have done.Never again will yoube put to shame.
27 Israel, you will knowthat I stand at your side.I am the Lord your God—there are no other gods.Never again will yoube put to shame.
28 Later, I will give my Spiritto everyone.Your sons and daughterswill prophesy.Your old menwill have dreams,and your young menwill see visions.
29 In those days I will even givemy Spirit to my servants,both men and women.